Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Festival Hydro.
2024 Holiday Schedule When Off-Peak Prices Are in Effect:Electricity used on weekends and holidays is charged the off-peak price during both the Winter and Summer periods. | |
Monday, January 1 - New Year’s Day | Monday, February 19 - Family Day |
Friday, March 29 - Good Friday | Monday, May 20 - Victoria Day |
Monday, July 1 - Canada Day | Monday, August 5 - Civic Holiday |
Monday, September 2 - Labour Day | Monday, October 14 - Thanksgiving Day |
Wednesday, December 25 - Christmas Day | Thursday, December 26 - Boxing Day |
There are three options: Time-of-Use (TOU), Ultra Low Overnight (ULO) and Tiered.
With TOU and ULO pricing, you can help manage your electricity costs by shifting your usage to lower off-peak periods when possible. The price you pay for electricity depends on when you use it. Under Tiered pricing, you can use a certain amount of electricity each month at a lower price, and one that limit is exceeded, a higher price applies.
For more information on Time-of-Use, Ultra Low Overnight, and Tiered pricing, and tools to help you decide which price structure is right for you, please visit.
To select or change your pricing preferences, please complete the following form: or Download PDF
The charges for these customers, effective May 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024, are:
Up to 600 kWh/per month | $/kWh | 0.103 |
Consumption beyond 600 kWh/per month | $/kWh | 0.125 |
The charges for these customers, effective November 1, 2023 - April 30, 2024, are:
Up to 1000 kWh per month | $/kWh | 0.103 |
Consumption beyond 1000 kWh | $/kWh | 0.125 |
Any customer with a retailer contract pays the commodity price according to retailer contract. In addition, customers with a retailer have a separate line item called the Global Adjustment that appears on their bill.
General Service customers with consumption in excess of 250,000 kWh are subject to hourly electricity pricing. Customers with an interval meter pays the hourly spot price; customers who do not have an interval meter pay the weighted wholesale price. In addition, a customer on hourly electricity pricing has a separate line item on their bill called global adjustment. For more information on electricity pricing please refer to the IESO website at
Tariff of Rates and Charges
Rates & Charges Effective January 1, 2024
Previous Years